We finally had our 20-week ultrasound this week! While the anticipation wasn't quite as nerve-racking this time around, I was very anxious to see our new baby and make sure everything was going well. To be honest, Josilyn keeps me so busy most days that I hardly have a chance to think about being pregnant, much less take the time to enjoy all the little kicks & flutters.
Thankfully baby passed with flying colors and is already proving to follow along in their big sisters footprints. Baby is currently positioned nicely across my belly in a horizontal fashion, with feet actually folded back up and over it's head. The heart rate was lower than Josilyn's ever was, at 144, but was just as active, if not more! Baby actually never stopped moving making it almost impossible to get a good profile picture. All of this has lead Ryan and I to both believe we're having a boy this time around (Josilyn was such a ham for the camera she had to be a girl). Baby also measured roughly a week ahead of schedule, so the odds of mom making it to the State Fair are looking pretty slim; guess Ryan will have to bring some greasy goodness home :)
Some other fun facts about this baby:
* I felt first flutters around16.5 weeks
* Ryan felt first kick at 18 weeks
* Baby seems to be becoming more and more active everyday
* At 20 weeks I am pretty sure my belly has popped and baby is starting to grow like a weed
Other news from the Tooley home, our house is still on the market and the showings keep flooding in! Now if only we could find the right person to walk through those doors and give us an offer. I am hoping to make it through the last couple weeks of this skating session, hopefully my balance can stay in check for a little longer.
The nicer weather has finally gotten us back outdoors and reuniting with all our old neighborhood friends, parks, and of course the ducks! So hopefully Mother Nature can figure things out and pick a (warm) season soon.
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